Editorial Services for Authors
Catherine is happy to work with you in any chapter of your writing journey.
Her services are tailor-made for chapter book, early reader, middle grade, and young adult writers; fiction and nonfiction picture book writers; and writers who are preparing to query agents.
Not sure what editorial service is best for you? Check out her recommendations, based on what stage you feel your project is in.
Recommended services for each stage of the writing and publishing process:
Editorial Assessment
Picture Book Edit
Editorial Consultation
Developmental Edit
Picture Book Edit
Editorial Consultation
First Ten Pages
Query Letter Review
Synopsis Edit
First Ten Pages
The Query Package
Editorial Consultation
Overview of Services
Are you staring down that daunting trail called Revision but not quite sure how to get started? Or are you familiar with revising but looking to go deeper into the woods this time? If you’ve answered “yes” to either of these questions, than a developmental edit might be what you need!
What’s Included
An annotated line edit of your manuscript
An editorial letter that will highlight the strengths of the manuscript and examine the areas that could be developed further, such as characters’ arcs and motivations, plot points, pacing, voice, and world building. I will also provide feedback on the marketability of the project.
Middle Grade and Young Adult manuscripts: .03 cents per word
Chapter Book/Early Reader: .025 cents per word
Who is this for?
For chapter book, early reader, middle grade, and young adult writers
Do you want a big-picture take on your project but are not ready to jump into line edits yet? Then an editorial assessment might be the best place to start!
What’s Included
An editorial letter that will highlight the strengths of the manuscript and examine the areas that could be developed further, such as characters’ arcs and motivations, plot points, pacing, voice and world building. I will also provide feedback on the marketability of the project.
There will be no annotated manuscript/line edits provided.
Middle Grade and Young Adult manuscripts: .025 cents per word
Chapter Book/Early Reader: .02 cents per word
Who is this for?
For chapter book, early reader, middle grade, and young adult writers
Have you written a picture book text and want to whip it into shape? Or are you an author-illustrator looking for feedback on both your text and how it works alongside your illustrations? Then a picture book edit is right for you!
What’s Included
An editorial letter highlighting the strengths of your story/art and offering suggestions for how you can revise word choice, pacing, plot and character development. I will also provide feedback on the marketability of the project.
A fully annotated manuscript and/or dummy
Who is this for?
For fiction and nonfiction picture book writers
Having read hundreds of query letters as an editor, and written my own query letter before signing with my literary agent, I know that the best query letters are both compelling and concise. Let’s get your query letter ready together!
What’s Included
A fully annotated query letter with line edits and notes, pointing out what you’re doing well and what could be improved upon.
$75 for one query letter review or
$150 for the first query letter review + a SECOND review, after you’ve had a chance to revise it.
Who is this for?
For writers who are preparing to query agents.
Condensing an entire novel into a compelling, concise synopsis can be daunting, but it’s not impossible! Let me know the page count you’re aiming for (most agents ask for a 1-2 page synopsis, while some editors may want a longer synopsis) and I’ll offer suggestions on where to condense, expand, or clarify the plot and character arc in the story.
What’s Included
A fully annotated synopsis with line edits and notes via track changes.
Who is this for?
For writers who are preparing to query agents.
Those first few pages are crucial in hooking readers, agents, and editors. I’m happy to provide feedback on your opening ten pages!
What’s Included
Ten pages, fully annotated with line edits and notes via track changes.
Who is this for?
For writers who are preparing to query agents.
Just about ready to start querying agents? Then the query package is right for you!
What’s Included
Query Letter Review
Synopsis Edit
First Ten Pages Edit
and a 15 minute phone call with me to ask follow-up questions about my notes/advice in general.
Who is this for?
For writers who are preparing to query agents.
Do you have questions about querying agents or children’s publishing? Do you have an idea for a book but are wondering whether it’s marketable? Are you in the middle of revising and need to bounce ideas off of someone? Then an editorial consultation is for you!
What’s Included
A Zoom or phone call to brainstorm and receive editorial input on your current project, or to answer any industry or query-related questions you may have.
30 minute Zoom/phone call: $75
60 minute Zoom/phone call: $150
Who is this for?
For picture book, early reader, chapter book, middle grade, and young adult writers. Note: I do not accept unsolicited queries for Simon & Schuster.
Catherine is available to author/ghostwrite intellectual properties/projects in the picture book, chapter book, middle grade, and young adult categories. She has experience creating chapter-by-chapter outlines for middle grade and young adult IP novels for Simon & Schuster. Catherine earned her MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts and is a published author.
What’s Included / Pricing
If you would like to inquire about her work-for-hire services, please reach out to her literary agent, Dorian Maffei at Kimberley Cameron & Associates: Dorian@kimberleycameron.com
Who is this for?
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Published Books Edited by Catherine
This is a sampling of the books I've edited over the last ten years at Simon & Schuster.
For the most up to date information, visit Paula Wiseman Books’ website (an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing).
Picture Books

Middle Grade Books
Young Adult Books

Editorial Services for Authors
Take advantage of Catherine’s vast expertise as a Senior Editor and a published author.
Book an editorial service with her and take your work to the next level.